Yahoo's Dream Team

Like all of the major players on the internet, Yahoo! is under constant pressure to be pushing the envelope of online innovation. Their recent move has been serving up more entertainment than technology. However, they have recently assembled a think(and do) tank of a cross section of digital-based innovators. It is called the Yahoo! Design Innovation Team.

The group is currently working on several projects that center around visualization of the data that is constantly flowing through the Yahoo! network. With sub-brands like Flickr and, there is definitely plenty to play with. The team includes Aaron Koblin, whose previous work includes The Sheep Market and Flight Patterns, both of which I am a big fan of.

The projects they are working on have yet to be officially released, but demo movies are available on their site.




twilliambloke said...

im like a cranky old man, but again i as the question, why? is it art? is it something else. it is amazing, and beautiful... but is it something more?

PLArt! said...

dig the new page layout man!

twilliambloke said...

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