A fun question to ask your friends these days is: "What is web 2.0?" No one can really define it without spouting out a list of words that sound old hat now. Apparently a Blog is web 2.0. So are RSS feeds, mash-ups, Podcasts, wikis, and social networking sites. I have already heard people talking about web 3.0. Yawn.

All that is great, and they are all a big part of the Next Gen Web (my term. its a joke). But here are some things that may enhance your current web experience.

Part 1: Web Browsers

No one browser is the hands-down best. It is up to your own internet habits.

Opera is known as the fast browser. It was the first browser to introduce Tabbing (way back in 2000). Newer features like Speed Dial (lets you open a favorite site with the click of a button), Opera Mini (for mobile devices) and Opera Link (allows you to sync your desktop browser to your mobile device) make this a very cool option.

Another cool browser is Flock. Dubbed as the "social web browser", it has features such as 'drag and drop' (you can highlight copy or images and drag them to the sidebar to save them), the Media Bar (allows you to search Flickr, YouTube, Truveo and Photobucket in a small panel without leaving the site that you are on) and the 'People in the Browser' feature (which you can add friends from all your different social-networking site and see what their up to).

Lastly, and the most revolutionary, is SpaceTime. Still in beta, this browser turns the world wide web into a three dimensional space. Your search results come back to you in a vast stretched out line of web panels. You can flip through them and chose where you want to go. I can't imagine this is the fastest way to find what you are looking for but is probably the coolest.

Part 2 Coming Soon.




Anthony said...

Who knew we were so cutting edge?!


Hoping you'll bring some of this great stuff to the new Surfer's Paradise Hullabaloo carnival!

twilliambloke said...

I want to hear more about NGWs!