Dogs Have Suffered

So, Michael Vick's somewhat heartfelt apology has created a piece of memorabilia that has ended up on Ebay.

Shortly after Vick's speech, a reporter covering the press conference for the Humane Society was retrieving his microphone when he noticed a small slip of paper sitting there on the podium . It was, in fact, Michael Vick's own handwritten notes from his apology.

The humane society was quick to post the note on Ebay with the money raised going to Animal Cruelty Response and Reward Fund. As of this post, the current bid is $10,100.00.

At first glance, one might say, well at least he thought about it enough to actually write notes in preparation. And, while that may be true, it is equally interesting to note that Vick's last little memo he left for himself "Dogs have suffered" were not mentioned in the press conference. It's ok, I think the dogs knew they suffered.


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